Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sinharaja Rain Forest: Ways to Improve

Although the conservation status of the Sinharaja Rain Forest is good compared to many other places, there is still space for improvement when it comes taking care of not only the forest, but the forest's resources as well. One of the main problems that the Sinharaja forest has, is the compliance of the villagers to collect resources from the forest for merchant use. The people that live by the forest want to improve it, but they do not understand how the laws that the government passes help the rain forest. To improve Sinharaja for the future, it is necessary to have programs to educate villagers of the importance of regulations and how they benefit the forest. This does not need to be complicated. Even small workshops in villages, explaining laws and demonstrating how these laws affect the forest would be a very good step in the right direction for improving resource use. (http://www.sinharaja.4t.com/)



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